Jill George
Jill George
Specializes in Indigenous Youth Programming
Vancouver Island, Canada
Jill is from the Hesquiaht First Nation on Vancouver Island, Canada. She's passionate about youth development and helping them become effective leaders in their own lives and communities. She's working in Origin Leadership on Youth programming and initiatives, focusing on helping youth identify the leader within.
Jill works closely in the community to support the Elders by volunteering to bake, cook, clean, and serve meals at potlatches, and community events and as a companion. Jill lives and works in remote communities on Vancouver Island Canada which has allowed her to connect with people in a variety of roles including as a camp counselor in a wilderness camp, assisted in building a longhouse, a deckhand on a water taxi, customer service, a shift supervisor and more. These experiences have helped Jill become a compassionate and caring leader in her work and community.
Through these experiences, Jill has learned how to connect with people from all walks of life and become compassionate and caring while doing so.